Monday Meditation Advanced Program: ZOOM

Monday, June 65:00—6:15 PMOnlineDripping Springs Community Library501 Sportsplex Dr., Dripping Springs , TX, 78620

This class will meet via Zoom. Please register for access link.

Virtual meditation led by Gert Johan Manschot. If you are attending In-Person, bring something comfortable to sit on. like a yoga mat, folded blanket, and/or meditation cushion. You are also welcome to meditate in a chair, if you wish. If attending Via Zoom, you can participate however is most comfortable for you.

The class will focus on the different why's and how's of meditation as well as practicing it. Johan will make use of a "guided meditation" technique as a means to support and instruct.

Johan began Zen meditation training in 1980/81 at Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-Ji, a Zen Buddhist monastery upstate New York, which also included a Kessei, a fulltime 100 days of training. Johan has been teaching meditation classes in the Austin area since 2013.

Registration for this event has now closed.