Friday Discovery Time: Hansel and Gretel

Friday, July 2410:30—11:30 AMChildren's Story Time AreaDripping Springs Community Library501 Sportsplex Dr., Dripping Springs , TX, 78620
Children's AreaDripping Springs Community Library501 Sportsplex Dr., Dripping Springs , TX, 78620

Linda Woodward and teens give a performance of a classic fairy tale!

Discovery times are always filled with great books and stories, fun songs and movement or even a bit of dramatic play for the older preschoolers. Activities or special craft times follow at your option. 

Our great Friday story time presenters include: Lisa Baker, Linda Woodward, Judy Johnson, and Marie Kimbrough. Visit the “online events calendar” for more information about specific Fridays.

The live, in person, Discovery Story Times at 10:30am each Friday will be recorded during June and July.
Recording equipment will be behind the audience to keep facial recognition to a minimum.
Videos of the story times will be available online through the library’s YouTube and Facebook accounts.

Registration and Seating for Tuesday and Friday Story Times and Other Group Programs
In observance of CDC guidelines and Texas reopening guidelines, the following social distancing guidelines will be followed for story time registrations and also for many other group programs.
The focal point of story time or event will be the Purple Couch, a 6’ line is marked in front of the couch as a reminder of safe distancing. At this time, family units will need to be spaced widely apart. Family members over the age of two (per CDC) are required to wear face masks to provide another layer of protection. Due to the nature of a story time, presenters will not wear a mask, but are spaced 6’ or more from the audience.
8 Chairs are provided and spaced 6’ apart with extra space added for floor sitters
1 Family Unit per chair consists of 1 Adult and 1 – 3 children seated on the floor and staying close to their adult.
Thank you for following the guidelines for special summer programs. Registration is required for all programs, including story times.

Registration for this event has now closed.